Thursday 20 October 2011

Friday 14 October 2011


In reality world
Someone steal something away from you with your conscious of, we define them as thief.
Someone threaten you to give something to them, we define them as robber.

Statute in reality world
Both thief and robber will be arrest by the police and punishment will be given based on the country law & regulation. This act has been established since ancient times.

 In the world of the Internet
Someone steal your 'things' without your permission mean HACKER.

The Internet Law
According to Internet Society, the first Cyber Law is established since the close of 19th century. In 1990s, The Computer Misuse Act is established, also knows as the punishment for the HACKERS.

Politic is BORED!!
According to the author, Crabtree, people who think politic is bored, they are not interested even though it is slowly "migrating" to the Web. I' m the example of this group. Due to assignment requirement, during my diploma law class, I had to read some articles and also news related to politics. I found reading politic news is really fun, especially with Malaysia's politic. During the study, the Internet is my 'good friend', politic is a very sensitive issues especially it is related to ethnic or religion in my country, to find an written copy of articles and news is a challenges. However, with the helps of the Internet I do learn a lots from politic mainly via blogs.  I won't tell the reason why I said politic is fun. But, if you want to know please do experience by yourself.  It is a good experience to learn from these people stories.  However, I 'm still not interested in political at all.
What to you mean by secure?
You know what is the position name for a person's job as testing computer system whether it is in secure?
Yes, you are right!

(hey, don't be kidding....  I thought you said someone steal your 'things' without your permission mean HACKER??)

This is my topic today
HACKER, can be legal and also be illegal.
Legally -  a person's job as testing computer system whether it is in secure
Illegally - someone steal your 'things' without your permission

Category of Illegal Hacker
1. Inside Jobs
    What they do: steal your password for own use or sell

2. Rogue Access Point
     What they do: use your WiFi without permission

3. Back Doors
     What they do: hack into your network

4. Viruses and Worms
     What they do: attempt to shut down your system

5. Trojan Horses
    What they do: by duplicated unknown coding or attached to other program, it gives an ability of hacker   control your pc

6. Denial of Service
    What they do: make you not able to access the Internet

7. Anarchists, Crackers and Kiddies
    What they do: These people do something that's bad your system (refer to My IP Address Info)

8. Sniffing and Spoofing
    What they do:  (refer to My IP Address Info)

Conclusion towards The Hacker 
My first impression towards hacker is BAD. I did not know people who help to ensure the system being secure is also called Hacker. Like what I always think, view something with different angel, you going to realize the world is always beautiful. Don't only make judgment based on what people tell you.


Monday 10 October 2011

Twitter in my life

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When I first heard about Twitter is I was reading an article related to a young success man in newspaper, it is during my diploma study. I can't remember his name and also what's the story about, that particular article is attracted me because of this young outlook. One thing, I can remember is, "I always update my Twitter everyday".  This is what he said in the article.

That time what only in my mind is, Twitter is a social network like Facebook, MySpace and so on. Still,
I PREFER FACEBOOK, and don't even bother to visit the site.

A year later, my classmate are gradually active in Twitter, I do sign up for Twitter because everyone is using it, and I just follow the trend. Like what I did, when Friendster was in the trend I sign up for it, and when Facebook is in the trend I do sign up for it. I am sure most of the people are like me.

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When I was first sign in to Twitter, like what Johnson, How Twitter will Change the Way We Live in Times Business Magazine, Twitter is "terrible"! Is not user friendly at all. Again, I PREFER FACEBOOK!


Until, I enroll to UOW program, what I am doing now for this subject require us to sign up a new account for assessment purpose. For academy point of view, Twitter  is very useful in trainning us to write somethings briefly but it is direct to the point with limited words. It can be act like an abstarct for journal. Other than this, I still PREFER FACEBOOK.

Twitter will change the way people life, for other people, but definitely not for me. I using Twitter now because the school assessment request for that. Although my personal Twitter account still exist, but I seldom log in. I still keep it,  because when people ask me what is your Twitter account, at least I able to answer them.

Rather than saying Twitter will change the way we live, I would say Facebook change the way we live. I use Facebook not only daily life but also academy purpose. It is as convinient as I am using mobile. Therefore, I would like to tell everyone, when you see someone is playing with Facebook, sometime they are not really "playing" with it, but they are doing something else other than use the word of "playing" to describe what they are doing.


Tuesday 4 October 2011

The Long Tail by Chris Anderson

The Long Tail

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How long is the tail?

Definitely NOT!

So, what is long tail?

The Long Tail is a Business Model defied by Chris Anderson.

Let's watch this video, 

Identifying "The Long Tail" - Chris Anderson

If you are like me, you  not use to hear his pronunciation,  some more you never study in business & economic before. Don't worry,  spend a little time with me. Let's figure out how's this theory work.

From what I understand explanation from Wikepedia and Week 7 reading, also my friend.

The Long Tail Theory is opposite of traditional retailing graph.

Traditional business graph

Let's say there are three movies (in X-axis) are available from the supplier, Y-axis is the number of demand  or is better to say it is the number of audiences interested. The traditional retailer will definitely purchase M2 (Movie two) in order to make profit. Because there are less audience interested in M1 and M3, means they going to earn less. Who want to do this kind of business?

 However, according to the Long Tail theory by Chris Anderson, M1 and M3 's market is profitable than M2 because of the evolution of INTERNET. Internet enable the new market of M1 and M3, even better than M2.

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Why did he said so?

Let me give you an example, imagine I am going to sell a rare's books, which not much people interested.
And, you are a book retailer. (Usually retailer purchase a boxes of book, not only one book)
Do you think you going to buy this book with less people buy?

Rather than sell in the bookshop, the development of the Internet gives an pathway for these books.
Anderson said,
the new market (niche market) might even larger than the traditional market.

I am not going to sell my books in physical bookshop.
Instead I am going to sell it online.
For examples,
Kuala Lumpur, there might be only two reader who want to read my book.
In Ipoh, there are 4 people read my book.
Penang, 3 people read my book.
Singapore, there 2 people read my book.
Brazil there are 2 people read my book
Hong Kong
so on and so on...

My book only selling in Kuala Lumpur, it is not going to work.
  (traditional business)

If I sell it online, in, Ebay....
My business might work.
Because it is reachable to my target audience.
The Internet gives advance to Niche Market and it is a new market in business.

Before I ended this topic I would like to summarize the points suggested by Anderson:

Perception in Traditional Business
Hit-driven mindset: 
Somethings is hit in the market means it is profitable.
 Poor taste:
 The industry has a poor sense of what people want, they think when that's an audience means      
 there's demand
Rules in Long Tail
Make everything available
Everyone is unique, what you like doesn't mean what I love too. With this new market, consumer              able to get somethings that's really what he/she want, but no according to what the retailer decide according to the graph or what they expect. 

 Cut the Price in Half. Now Lower it 
 With the development of internet, to sell  book online, we doesn't need to pay for rental, transportation or        shipping to delivery the books anymore. 

 Help Me Find it
 With the use of search tool we can easy find what we want.