Wednesday 10 August 2011

6 "Shoot" From Afterwork: Why Networks Matter, by Manuel Castells

Manuel Castells
To me, picture always can raise my interest on someone, thus I decided to  "use" his photo here.

First of all, let me introduce who is Manuel Castells. He is a sociologist who did a numbers of research  and  wrote a numbers of articles and books, especially in those topic relate to information society and communication. 

To know him more, you can always click
(don't worry, it is safe)

When I first read this "Power does not reside in institutions, not even the state or in large corporations. It is located in the networks that structure society.", until the fourth word, my mind come out a word--" SHIT", what is the meaning of "reside"...   Kinda hate myself being in this situation. 
Decided to force myself read this article with my good friend- dictionary
RESIDE - meaning "belong to" 

As people surrounded me, they know, I am from totally chinese education + family background. To me, to read a full English article is a tough mission.
Please, if you realize that's wrong below the paragraph, correct me.
I need you help~  
to all of you who reading this
: )


Power does not reside in institutions, not even the state or in large corporations. It is located in the networks that structure society.
Afterwork: why network matter

Network is like the galaxy, it is huge, it is infinity. We not able to find where is the ending. 
The node of the network is like the planets in the galaxy
or I would like to say 
the node of the network is represented all of us

The Earth moving around the Sun on the "track"
but we can't see the "track"
I would say we connecting with each other on "track" of the network
but the "track" of the network is much more flexible than the poor Earth's track

Network and its track is tie with us
I would say 
we are living with the network

According to Castells,
Technology is including information and communication. Technology is not able to determine society but there are influences each others.
Technology information & communication
technology  society
technology ⇄ society
the six "shoot":
1. Globalization
I agree with this, whether you are willing or not willing to, network are communication with you, even you don't agree with it. 
According to Geoff Mulgan, network communicate and incommunicate at the same time.

2. Flexible
I would say network organization is a commander, there are a lots of unnecessary procedure can be skips. It's flexible.
eg. with the use of internet, to see how Egypt 's pyramid look, just a few second we able to see it, or even more.
3. Political Institution, De Facto respond
Honestly, I am not very sure of this point. (please give me a more understandable explain on this, or provide me example, if you can.)
What I interpret is, the political institution able to take action or control, in crisis management. 

4. Civil Society
People able to exchange view, discuss, debate and judge on something depending on different situation.
5. Sociability
Network always open door for sharing, people share their life and their perception. 

6. Social Practice in Media Space
Network allow us to communication including mainstream, TV, radio and so on.

Power does not reside in institutions, not even the state or in large corporations. It is located in the networks that structure society.

Manuel Castells said, power is "switchers"
I would like to describe the "switchers" is the "track" 
The Track connecting and disconnecting networks 

I admit myself not 100% understood the whole article about. But I think I get what Manuel Castells trying to conveys.


  1. I agree with you that sociability throughout the network is essential. First, I would say nowadays we use network a lot to share information, media updates and many more. Then, it is unavoidable for some individuals or organizations to use network because they could receive feedback immediately. Moreover, it could help them to achieve goals or higher production easier. More individuals, organizations, and media starting to use network as we can see it is growing bigger now.

  2. Ya, Xin Yee. You remind me something. I heard the DJ said (can't remember which channel), nowadays an employer to hire someone not only on reality, but also cyber world. They observe or read their Facebook/blog first before they wan to hire a personal. Besides, one of the way the employee observe the employee via social networking site.

  3. I agree with all the points that Manuel Castells said about the network. The network must be fulfil in the 6 elements to make it more compatible in the society.The power of networking already deep as unfathomable and it gains a important roles in our life.

  4. I agree with your points Sarene, but I believe in future, there will be more than just 6 shoots or points, there will be definitely a grow in networking, technology is amazing, it grows faster than the way we grow up in our daily life. Perhaps in future or even now we can mention about the present that network can also tie in with education, entertainment, Life saver(Networking can save the world) and many more to come as time goes by. Networking is our friend :)

  5. Thanks for the introduction of Castells, Serene :) Well said on 'network is constantly communicating with people'. It reflected (or reminded) me on the interactivity we have on our gadgets/technologies nowadays, including our own laptops and smartphone. With this improvement on the technology, I would say that the network is now actually(!)taking the form of humankind! Is that even possible? Why not, right? Since our own laptops and smartphone are actually 'talking' to us ("Are you sure you want to quit?", etc). So can I assume that, from your article, I can reflect that the network is actually going towards this direction? Possible.

    Great effort on the article, Serene! I should learn from you :)

  6. awesome introduction of Castells... like you said network is about communicating with people...oh well, true indeed.. no matter what we do, everything is connected and we share the same the 6 elements you posted up, every explanation is very well conversed...keep it up.. :-)

  7. Thanks you all for post comment in my blog and people who reading.

    Meg & Su Wern, I am agree with both of you, Network is our friend and ya, maybe one day when we are talking to each other like this. "Network", I would say, our lappy or smartphone might be interrupt us,

    like this, "hey, I agree with you too"

    Weng Loong: Thanks. I will do it better for next time. Like I just read Su Wern's Blog, her blog really good. I like the way she organize her blog. Well organized with clear direction.

    I am going to read others blog now :)

  8. First I would like to thank you for summarizing the notes and making it easier to understand.
    As we know that Supreme knowledge bank is the INTERNET in the now fast developing world.
    It is important to be part of it because it helps to make yourself known in the world of work.
