Who don't know Mickey Mouse?
Even her,
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She was my baby niece
Her name Janell.
She able to recognize Mickey Mouse since she was few months old
Remember the Mickey Mouse Club House Theme Song video I post previously?
She use to watch the video few times per day.
She was one year old
When you ask her
'Where is Mickey Mouse?'
She will immediately pointed to you.
MICKEY MOUSE, Everyone Love You!
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Image URL: http://free-extras.com/images/mickey_mouse-1096.htm |
Although I'm not dare to say I know Mickey well
for assignment purpose
Also, for my personal interested, I would like to introduce a bit about Mickey Mouse
Mickey Mouse Personal Information
DOB: 18 November 1928
Age: 83 year old
Owner: Walt Disney & Ub Lwerks
Species: Mouse
Relative: Oswald the Lucky Rabbit
Good Friends: Minnie Mouse, Pluto (pet dog), Donald Duck, Daisy Duck, Goofy
Mickey and Friends
refer to http://disney.wikia.com/wiki/Mickey_and_Friends for more
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Image URL: http://www.socialstudiesforkids.com/graphics/steamboatwillie.gif |
The first Mickey Mouse is created by Walt Disney and Ub Iwerks at The Walt Disney Studio in 18 November 1928, known as Mickey Mouse's Birthday. Also,Mickey Mouse was the replacement of Oswald the Lucky Rabbit.
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Buster Keaton Image URL: http://rjbuffalo.com/images/busterglam.jpg |
Steamboat Bill Jr. (1928)
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Image URL:http://wpcontent.answers.com/wikipedia/en/7/70/Mickey-004.gif |
Images URL: http://news.bbc.co.uk/nol/shared/spl/hi/pop_ups/03/entertainment_75_years_of_mickey_mouse_/img/7.jpg
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Image URL: http://www.thecomicshop.com.au/covers/ukannuals/ukann-mickey-mouse-1950.jpg |
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Image URL: http://images04.olx.com/ui/1/65/35/12936035_2.jpg |
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Image URL: http://www.flickr.com/photos/78469770@N00/319249526/sizes/m/in/photostream/ |
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Image URL: http://sliderulemuseum.com/SR_Images/MickeyMouseEngineer.jpg |
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Image URL: http://jimhillmedia.com/mb/images/upload/Disney-Prince-Pauper-web.jpg |
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Image URL: http://www.di-o-matic.com/images/header/MickeyMouse.jpg |
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Image URL: http://www.disneydreaming.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/Mickey-Mouse-Clubhouse.jpg |
To know more about Mickey Mouse, please visit to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mickey_Mouse#Mouse_in_transition
Ans. for the previous post...
Compare to the old Mickey Mouse animation, 2000s Mickey's anime is more interactivity. The cartoon is talk and educate to the audience. Unlike old Mickey animation is more toward entertainment. Besides, new Mickey are more attractive than old Mickey, like the improved of colour blending and 3D effect.
Intellectual Property
Reading Material for week 5:
Chapter One, Free Culture by Lawrence Lessig
Boldrin & Levine: Against Intellectual Monopoly, Chapter 1
On theWeb, plagiarism matters more than copyright piracy, by John W. Snapper
Intellectual Property regulation is to protect the origin work for being copy or use by others without permission. However, I agree with Free Culture should be carry out. Like the incident mentioned in Against Intellectual Monopoly, by Boldrin & Levine, if everything is restrict by Intellectual Property, productivity would be slow because people need to wait for the duration of © expired, otherwise they might be sue by the author/inventor.
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Image URL: http://www.cato-unbound.org/wp-content/themes/unbound/media/images/lessig.jpg |
Please visit this for more info: file:///E:/Bachelor%20in%20Communication%20and%20Media%20Studied/DIGC202%20Global%20Network/Week%205/Free%20Culture%20-%20Chapter%20One%20%20Creators%20(by%20Lawrence%20Lessig).htm
I understand that IP might be increase people creativity. However, free culture allow people to further invent or modify somethings to be more prefect. Like what Disney did, they transformed Oswald the Lucky Rabbit to Mickey Mouse. But, how many of us know Oswald the Lucky Rabbit?
To me, IP should be restrict to avoid misuse of origin. Free culture should be restrict to encourage people for better creativity and productivity. As long as people who copy the idea of origin, I think it is fine if they use is in a good way. My "good way" define as not harm to to others, not to commercial purpose, not bring the origin author reputation down..
Hi Serene,
ReplyDeleteI agree with you, lawsuits are created to avoid misuse of the origins and encourage people to do more creative works. If everyone is copying others' works then, we would not have new information and I believe the networks would be dull.
However, to me. Case like Boldrin & Levine, misuse of IP for commercial purpose and it's slow down the development. What I think is, the world is full of contradiction.
ReplyDeletehey serene, nice post! Cute, thank you for bring me back to my childhood, and the history for Disney, it's wonderful story. And i just knew that Mickey mouse it's actually a rabbit.
ReplyDeleteWell, I strongly agree with your statement, sometime the good idea is gather from all the ideas from different peoples. Different people have different mindset and perspective, if can gather everyone idea as once idea, it doesn't seem bad, somehow copy people's work is not right, but we can acknowledge them or maybe ask for permission.
Lawsuit is not living thing, it's a way to protect the "original work". But the world are changing every second,people might have a same concept with us at the same time. who know?
hi serene, great and straight to the point by using the mickey mouse as an example... mickey mouse would be a protected art as nobody can able to copy the same character that walt disney created... however, with all the copyrighted laws, people would be more careful when doing and planning something especially when the concept is similar with the original ones... wouldnt there be another mickey mouse? i doubt so..even it does, but the figure from actual mickey mouse would be far different and may uglier.... perhaps waiting for lawsuit as well.
ReplyDeleteI absolutely agree with what Weng Loong said. Let's wait for the next lawsuit!
ReplyDeleteI think refer others word is good to improve the quality for the future work. But sometime human are just can't think out of the box.
Again, this phenomenon can be stop forever. As a Chinese quotation said, it is born in that way / we are born in this way.(这是以生俱来的)