Tuesday 1 November 2011

Facebook and Twitter is for everyone

Now, social networking website is not only for friendship or keep in touch with others. Politician like Obama use Twitter, Najib had his account in Facebook, it is not a new topic anymore. In Arab, Facebook and Twitter had become the medium for Cyber-Utopian. According to Morozov, Facebook and Twitter became the tools for freedom of expression and resentful towards the government, and this happens not only in Arab, but also Dubai and Egypt. 

Image URL: http://www.brandbuildsell.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/brand-awareness.jpg

"Never ever say anything happens in virtual world  would not be impact to the the reality."
This statement could be very  adamancy  support by everyone. However, after this incident this statement is  overthrow and is not  support anymore. As evident in Arab, everything happen in virtual world, they bring to the real world and they are successfully achieved what they are want. 

Internet is DemocracyThis three word always appear in current world. How Democracy is Internet? Let's talk about something is relevant to current society of my country.

Image URL: https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/my.html

The fourth Prime Ministry of Malaysia, Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad urged the citizens to take part in Cyber when he is reign. Today, as we can see the Internet development is rise up luxuriantly, especially social networking site. From Friendster for past and now for Facebook and Twitter, it is slowly becoming the daily essential of Malaysia's citizen. 
Image URL: http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2008/5/25/focus/21335477&sec=focus

In the eyes of outsider, Malaysia is a democracy country. However, the development of Internet had expose a numbers of politic scandal. Malaysian political was forever stick with ethic group, no one was dare to talk about it openly. The citizen not dare to voice out, although they know, they had been treated in unfair condition.  Especially those who are living in rural area without proper education,  some of them don't even know who is Najib. 
Image URL: http://www.twittnot.com/word-google-facebook-founder.html

The Internet is democracy. Thanks to the Tun Dr Mahathir brought in the Internet. Thanks to Mark Zuckerberg develop Facebook. Facebook became the tools that people use to communicate everyday. Facebook is for everyone, not only Generation X & Y, also Baby Boomer are now active in Facebook. To spread a news in Facebook is effective and reachable. Facebook is not only for Urban, also Rural! Don't forget, those who are did not have  chance to be educated, they are more concern about their next generation to get proper education. And, they are easily get the news from their daughters and sons. This must thanks to the development of education, which apply multimedia or known as media convergence.

You are wondering how people express?
Please log in to your Facebook account and observe yourself. Or maybe you can
click here to read it yourself.



  1. Hi Serene

    I believe Facebook and Twitter are just tools that created by us and can be disposed at any time too. People exaggerate the fact that the cause of protests and demonstrations are done by social networking sites. However, it can be said that Facebook and Twitter are the most used tools people now days engage with on creating and organizing protests and demonstrations. I think that would be more suitable.

    Also, i believe even without the invention and help from social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter, protests and demonstrations will still happen some how. People will find other ways or tools to make it happen if it is necessary. It more emphasizes on the matter. If there's a will, there will definitely be a way to make it happen. Indeed social networking sites have helped to make people's life much easier and more convenient, but it is a an essence that human being cannot live without.

  2. Hi Serene,

    Things that share via social networking sites can be viral and widely spread through worldwide. Your thoughts, expressions about politic can be shared out and maybe able to reach the government too. Therefore, social networking site could be a good medium to voice out your stories about politic. However, please be caution as there are government legal lawsuit that guidance and monitor our online activities. We still have to be responsible on what we have written or spoken through social networking sites.

  3. Hey Serene

    I agree that the social network has become our sanctuary to voice out our opinions and it is a place where people with similar opinions gather together. True, we cannot voice out opinions openly and neither can we do it online as well, but thanks to features such as private groups this can be done. But a word caution would be careful of write and what you say on the internet as it can be use against you.

  4. Agree with what you all said, however, like what the current situation. In Najib Facebook Wall, people scold him.
    But what he can do?

  5. Hi Serene.

    Who would have knew that today, with the help of Facebook and Twitter; it makes a huge political change. As we speak about politics and elections on these social media which makes a huge impact.

    Seems like we(the public) are having slightly more power today due to social media, right?
    A revolution indeed.


  6. "Never ever say anything happens in virtual world would not be impact to the the reality." Leaves me a deep impression on the social world that we are such a big part of...

    I believe social networking sites has brought about a big leap for humanity. First things first, we are now able to connect to anyone in any corner of the world, without waiting months for a mail or a call. We are updated, we are able to share information, we are able to communicate with each other regardless of timezone and locality. With this big leap forward, the people living today has become more open and contributive to reforms and social uprisings. We are able to obtain information and we are educated on our rights and our duty. Together with the internet, it has snowballed - and it is telling our policy makers to stop in their tracks and comply to the needs of the masses. The Bersih 2.0 Rally is a perfect example of social uprising, made possible by social networking sites.
