Saturday 5 November 2011

Week 12 Google Android versus I

Google, the big brother of Search Engine and also my very "good friend" when I am doing my assignment now.  The reading for this week 12 is the story related to Google and Android, from here I realize Android is from Google. I though Android was just launch this two year. However, it already exists since 2005. Anyway I am not to repeat the same things as what the articles said. But I would like to talk about my personal experience.


Android Operating System and iphone Operating System
I begin to use this operating system recently and I do experience to used Iphone Operating System (iOS). 
My mobile phone model is Xperia X10, Sony Ericsson, which is using Android OS. As compare to iOS, I prefer iOS, because Android is suck. The article had mention point related to Android Operating System might be influence by the mobile devices itself. Like what my case. Maybe is not because of the OS, but the phone, user like me might have the perception of Android OS is not good. 

My phone always lag. My friends is using Android OS and they never face this issue. If I am not taking this subject and I wouldn't know my phone is lagging not because of the OS but the model itself.

Something need to pay must be in good quality
Compare Android Apps and IPhone apps, I prefer Iphone apps. Most of the Android apps is free and most of Iphone apps need to pay, unless you jail break your iphone. I think is always better and more chooses than Android apps. There are Android apps but most of the are useless. Or I would said is RUBBISH!

Last, I was happy that Android is from Google. For now, Android to me is not good as iOS, but not for future, I believe under Google, Android will be better than iOS in the future. Google gives confident. 

Week 12 reading:
Roth, D. (2008) 'Google's Open Source Android OS Will Free the Wireless Web'. Wired, June 23. [URL:]

1 comment:

  1. Hi Serene

    In my personal opinion, I would choose Android simply due to the reason that it is free, open source of mobile platform which is the philosophy of Android.

    I mean, why would you want to buy a gadget that does not allow you to do everything you wish to do with it right?

