Tuesday 23 August 2011

I want to be a prefect!

Look familiar? 
Yes, you are right!
The movie Matrix 

Matrix is a science fiction movie that has make a noise in the society during 1999
To know more about the movie

Another Great Movie 10 year later 


 To know more about the movie

Both movie using the concept of cyberspace and successful impact the society for some time.

Before I begin, the topic of cyberspace
I would like to introduce a talented professor who are now working in Harvard, School of Law.
He is a lyricist, futurist, author, and cyber rights actives.
He is the author of A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace
His name
 John Perry Barlow

To know him more you can always click here

In past decade, without fail, everyone familiar with this term, even baby boom and generation Y. Of course, to us, generation X, we active in cyberspace. Cyberspace is not a physical existent, it is not touchable, or I would say this is mythological.

I would like to list down the best things about cyberspace in the following

In Cyberspace, everyone is equal.
cyberspace is an open door for everyone, even you are a prisoner.
there are no social class 
there are no age limit 
there are no gender different
there are no standard like in reality

Bao Zheng always represent "fair" in Chinese's heart
In Cyberspace, everyone treated as fair.
similar to everyone is equal.
Simple, allow me to ask you a question
If your are Prime Minister of Malaysia, and today you want to use Google to search something.
Do you think Google will prepare you a special pathway only for you, as VIP
to serve you better?
The precise answer of this question I 'm sure you know much more better than me.
Cyber world,
Do you agree with me?

Everyone pass through the same method, same procedure for everything you want to do in cyberspace.
No corruption
No privilege
No racism
No stereotype
No prejudice
In Cyberspace, everyone is pure.
There are no laws. 
In a better word according to John Perry Barlow,
there are no problem in cyber world.
The problems exist because of us.
Cyberspace would automatically identity and weed out the problem.
In Cyberspace, everyone is free.
As long as you are in Cyberspace, you  are actually allow to say what ever you feel to. 
You are allow to do whatever you like.
The only issues is, we are living under the controlling of Laws.
You not able to speak/write/publish something that might bring other reputation down, 
we can't do anything that going to infringe the law. 
The restrains I mention is all only happen in reality.
If you really did one of them, are you going to arresting or punishing in Cyberspace?

The Cyberspace is like what Jesus said
it is a harmony paradise.

I want to be prefect
Obviously in reality
I can't
and there is impossible in the Earth
you able to find someone who are perfect.
And, who can tell me what the meaning of perfect?
Define your perfect please.
I'm sure everyone have their perception of perfect.
The possible way of being perfect is in 
Cyberspace based on what's your means by perfect. 

Let's say, I wish I can be 170cm tall with a modeling figures
it is possible to be like what I wish in real life
but how?
Ya! Surgery
but you know how much it's cost?
and the important things!
Okay, I know this is a stupid question.

Anyway, I can easily create a something like what I wish in just a few second.
and I able to achieve what I want.

this is how my own formula EP2FF in cyberspace come into my mind from John Perry Barlow's article.


  1. Hey Serene

    i agree with the fact that Cyberspace is a pure place as you stated. Is just like earth, it was pure and untainted until we showed up. Therefore, to me implementing laws to make cyberspace more orderly and controlled is a must but not to the extent of telling people what they can write and what they can view and read.

  2. I agree with you too. implementing laws is a must in cyber world, because human being is too "clever". They often intellectual in legal loophole.

  3. Hi Sarene! In my opinion, I think that cyberspace had become the utopia or ideal place for us to stay inside. It's like our another house. We are free to create whatever we like. Like what you said, people are trying to act smart and try to create the problem in the cyberspace by bringing down people's reputation. I think this is a serious issues as people think they are the one who controlled the whole cyberspace. So, I am very agree on law should be apply in the cyberspace just like anyplace in the reality world. Rules is creates harmony but not to create the problems!

    Nice post with the illustration!

  4. You remind this new term "UTOPIA", should use this my post. Strongly agree "Rules is creates harmony but not to create the problems"
    Hence, don't underestimate human brain.
    People said Cyberspace is infinity, I would said Human Brain is more "infinity" than Cyberspace.

  5. Totally agree with the human brain! Human creates the cyberspace but don't let the cyberspace to create the human. Human must know what is the balance in using the cyberspace.

  6. I am agree with being perfect in Cyberspace.
    Because there are no stereotype, prejudice like what you have mentioned in the post.
    However, because of the word 'Perfect', many people tend to fake their identity by fake pictures and fake information. No one can differentiate the truth or false in Cyberspace, unless they caught by polis.

  7. Therefore, like what Chin Yein said laws is a must to be implement in both cyber world and reality.
