Wednesday 24 August 2011

We talk about water

Liquid Labor
I try to search this term
However, this term are too new
So far I only got this
Visit this, if you want to know more.

To what I understand about liquid labor 
it is a phenomenon of today society

In other words, liquid labor also known as liquid life,
 based on Zygmunt Baumun
He said: liquid life is "a precarious life, lived under conditions of constant incertainty"

Yes, to me is very complicated.

Allow me to provides some examples
(correct me, if you think I am wrong)

I would say in liquid society
 we are little poor water molecule

I' m sure everyone know this since primary school
water do not have shape
water shape themselves according what shape of object you put them in
they got no choose but to stand

At this point, water constantly change like what in liquid labor, people change constantly to not being leave out from the society.

Human made by 70% of water 
we can live without food but we can't live without water
 We love water

water is dangerous
but why did I said so?

Let's see the following pictures

What about this video?

How dangerous is water!

Like Zygmunt Bauman said
Liquid life is uncertainty
and is full of risk!

please refer to Liquid Life, Convergence Culture, and Media Work
from Mark Deuze (Indiana University)


  1. Hi Serene! An interesting post because liquid labor is really a new word in this industry. Here is what I found regrading to the liquid labor. I am not sure whether is the information are provided the understanding about the liquid labor but just want to share with you

    I don't know whether this will help. But I do hope we all get to know more about liquid labour. From what I had understand, liquid labour is more on like knowledge based. People now are using their knowledge to create the new things rather than using technology. For example, at the old times people were doing the the shirt themselves. They sew it. But nowadays, in the information age, people will buy a machine like the factory and put the machine in the system and let the technologies helps them to do the sewing part.

    Hope I am not interpret wrongly, please correct me if I am in the wrong track. Thank you Serene for posting this! Appreciate it!

  2. Hi Serene. I also found difficulty to understand what "Liquid Labor" is but it is ok after reading your blog post.

    You described liquid labor as water. What an interesting pint. Water can change its forms just like liquid labor, it is true. Liquid labor has changed the way it works. It is more knowledge based and we widely use networks to do multi-tasks.

    Another point "we can live without food but we can't live without water". I have another interpretation on this. We cannot live without water just like we cannot live without networks in nowadays because we are too much relying on networks. For example, we use Facebook, instant messaging to contact with friends and not longer using snail mail. Furthermore, we also need to adapt to the advanced technologies to be competitive. It is quite hard for generation X or Y not using networks.

  3. hi serene...simple and straight to the point... its very true that what ever we do, we have to keep aware of our surrounding and not forgetting our networks... we also have to be lucky on all the latest technologies that help human life a safer and better living....'

    and based on my understanding, liquid labor is a combination of work and leisure task together and Googleplex is one of the best working places to be as you can work and have fun at the same time.....and i do hope having an offer from them would be great..

  4. Hello!!!
    I Agree with you Xin Yee.Everyday we are getting more and more dependent able to the digital network.For example we take this subject every week we have to tweet and blog. The reason why, so we can perform and understand the topic better.I like the way you connect the water and liquid labour together to give us a better understanding.Example now days doctors are using robots to perform surgeries called telesurgery. it shows how much technology has advance because of the usage of knowledge.

  5. Weng Loong:

    Yes I agree with you. I am confuse with liquid labor and liquid society.

    With you explanation. I m clear now.


  6. Meg & Xin Yee

    This is my way to understand and remember in study.
    I think in this way is more efficient instead of explaining in a few pages of words.

  7. Hey Serene

    Very short post indeed but so long the points are nailed it doesn't matter. I agree that water has no shape thus they take the shape of anything that they are contained in. Is like how we humans conform to society. In the context of liquid labor, is the same that we conform to both work and leisure as the advent of mobile technology and the internet allows us to do so. Mobile technologies and internet allows us to work and relax just about where ever we are. But when technology malfunction of the there is no internet connection we are at lost.

  8. Hi Serene,

    Isn't it amazing how we are constantly living under uncertainty. Everything around constantly changes and this includes us and our life too.

    The famous saying for this is "the only thing permanent is impermanence itself."

    In my opinion why things keeps changing is due to globalization and also because of constant competition which pushes us to the edge of constant change.

    I like how your blog is easy to understand and not to lengthy :)

  9. Thanks for the comment Ivan & Sharmila.

    Something that is not see by us doesn't mean they are not exist.

    I would suggest, be more patient and attentive for today world. The world is unpredictable than previous.
