Tuesday 13 September 2011

I love new form of media

What is 'media convergence'?
The meaning of convergence also known as assemble or flock together. Media convergence is define as assembling different types of media. For example, when I composing this post, at the same time I listening to music.  

For better understand of convergence, click here

The new form of media versus old form of media
The new form of media provides multifunction unlike old form media. Old form media usually provides single task to the users. Like newspaper mainly for reading. Although people use it in wide range like wrapping. In current life, there are various type of devices perform multifunction, like smart phone, computer and so on. For example, mobile phone not only for call and sms anymore. 

In Opinion
I love new form of media so much.  A Chinese quotation suggest: Union is Strength, I always prefer working in team. Like the following below:

"The French cyberspace theorist Pierre Levy uses the term ‘collective intelligence’ to describe the large-scale information gathering and processing activities that have emerged in web communities. On the internet, he argues, people harness their individual expertise towards shared goals and objectives: ‘No one knows everything, everyone knows something, all knowledge resides in humanity’ (1997)." 

Jenkins. H 2007, 'The Cultural Logic of Media Convergence',  International Journal of Cultural Studies

I agree with him, ‘No one knows everything, everyone knows something, all knowledge resides in humanity’ (Levy 1997). Even him, Albert Einstein, the cleverest man in the world.

Albert Einstein

With media convergence in my life, it's give a numbers of advantages, especially in my study. It is a hard time for me to read  an article in English. Today, with media convergence, I can read an article with the help of dictionary software installed in my laptop or my smart phone.   

A lots people worrying about media convergence might bring negative effect in origin work. Like people can easily download music they like from the internet. Instead of buy a CD, it is easier for them to save them into computer or pendrive everywhere they wanted to. Some more it is economy and environment friendly.  

As I mention I love media convergence. People who worry about this should not be too rigid about it. 
Remember when the film industry first come into our life, they are also negative feedback about it. But what happen now?

Human Being is good in adaptability. But it's just take time for them to accept  it.  


  1. Hi, Serene.

    I agree, people would criticize or disagree when the new form of media are converged but slowly adapt to the change. For example the TV, from the big box black and white to the nowadays' 3D LED slim TV. We sure would amaze of the media convergence especially the time when colour TV was invented. It is because the media convergence would enhance the quality and level of entertainment or enjoyment. Maybe that time people might argue on the cost of colour TV but then, they love it.

  2. Serene, I agreed with what you said. Especially, the media convergence nowadays is bringing us a lot of advantages as the more improve, the more we get advantages and easier for us in our life. Just like last time, our cell phone was just for us to make a call and send a text message but nowadays it had become a smart phone, not only for text messages and call. No matter how, the media convergence will keep improve and change the features for everything in media.

  3. Serene you said it RIGHT!! with Media convergence i think there are more advantages than disadvantage to us and the society. By multitasking we are able to perform more and better.It's good in a way, because we become more
    effective people, by responding so quickly to our social feeds as well.

  4. helo people,

    Thanks for the comment.

    Chinese got a quotation said, that's nothing is prefect.

    Although mentioned, I love media convergence.
    But when I think in proper way, I hate media convergence too.

    You know why?
    Because I don't know where to pay attention on.
    I can't really did somethings in perfect because I not able to concentrate.

    Hence, I said at the beginning of the comment, NOTHING IS PREFECT

  5. Hey Serene,

    Spotted alot of good points from you.

    Yes, with the new forms of media and different mediums,it does definitely play a main role in the shit of our culture. More people spending more time online as opposed to the real world?

