Saturday 24 September 2011

Week 7 Tradition Publishing Versus internet Publishing

First of all, let me ask you a question.
How long you did not buy a book for your own interest purpose?

For me, since I purchased my laptop, my laptop replace my reading habit.
I prefer read with my laptop, because it is 
and it doesn't occupy my room.

I would like to compare tradition publishing & weblog publishing according to my personal experience.

The story of tradition publishing in my life
How do you get a book 10 year back?
I am sure the answer will be Library or Book Shop.

I was stayed in a rural area 10 years ago.
It is really hard to get a book from the place.
Every time I bought a new book, I am sure put it into the most obvious place of the book shelf.
To get a new book is not easy, sometime it's take half year. 

my parent send me to a boarding school in Ipoh.
I was not allow to go out by myself first year in the school.
I only allow to go out with my parent, and they seldom visit me. 
Library doesn't have what I want.  
(because I like cosmetic magazine)

A year later, I allow to go out by myself once a week.
However, most of magazines that I like only publish once a week.
the books that I like is too expensive. 

Although, I had a hard time to get them, 
but I read every words in the content.

The story of internet publishing in my life
10 years later, 
finally my parent allow me to buy a laptop for my study purpose.
I still magazines, but not as addicted as last time. 
I don't buy books anymore, because I thinks GOOGLE got everything I want to. 
It is updated, new, and varieties.
It provides more than what I expect.
The most important point is, 


Image URL:
Bookworm is migrating to a new place call tablet. (ipad, samsung tablet...)
Image URL:
Image URL:
How much of afford needed to publish a books?
This video clips tell you the story.

The process of traditional book publishing

The process of weblog publishing's video?
I don't think I need to show you.

Just ask yourself a question.
How long you take to post an article in your blog?

My conclusion is,
The number of good writer going to decrease day-by-day.
Because people don't really read, but they skim.
People don't read, can't writer a good article,



  1. Hi,

    Actually it is a good thing to change the traditional publishing to online publishing. It is because, free, low cost, large distribution, save printing, save papers, and it is environmental friendly. The elders might not prefer to the online publication due to eye sight problem, reading difficulties, but i think youngsters would not have these kind of problems. Moreover, they have many devices such as ipad, I think the ways to access to online publication are easier because of the convenience.

  2. Hi Serene

    Indeed online publishing is the current "hot" trend of obtaining information online, in your case, such as books and magazines. Mostly because they are free, easy to obtain, and a wide range of varities.

    However personally i still believe there are good and the bad of the transformation from traditional publishing to digital. I have not touched a book myself in a long time, but i know that i definitely prefer to buy a book and read instead of reading it online. Probably it's because personal preferences. I like the feeling of holding a book and read. I feel it's more proper and i will give full concentration while reading. Also, there's a value added on the physical book itself. We tend to appreciate the actual hard copy more comparing with having a copy of the book online instead.

  3. Hi Serene,
    I don totally agree that is a good thing to change traditional publishing to online. I would say we are actually loosing good talented writters as they are not motivated. What i mean by not motivated is they cant make money or they making less money therefore there is no interest for them to produce a good job.They just produce or write for the sake of writing. the older generation still prefers the old media. they prefer to have their morning coffee and read the newspaper rather than reading them on online. I would say they are many laid back issues involving new media because it helps to contribute to health problem to an individual which is a bad thing.

  4. Helo all, thanks for the comment.

    I agree with the points you all stated here.

    Cindy said, the old generation prefer old media, i think not only them, one day we are going to old too. By the time we might rather read something on newspaper than online because we can't see.

    Like Meg suggested, money will be the main reason to motivate the writer. To me also, even the writer have the pay for online publish, but I think they are not going to put afford than they writing in a book. Eg, they might rely on spelling checker and so on.

    Like what Ali said, holding a book in hand is more proper and can be more concentrate.

    One things I would like to add in term of concentrate.

    We are living in media convergence world, there are too much things we can do at the same time when we are reading online. As we can listen to music at the same time when we are reading. There are possible that our attention might easily attracted by others things beside, eg advertisement. It is hard for us to focus on something in the Internet and it is not only for reading sometime.
